
The recent progress in stem cell biology has created new approaches for their study as well as their application to the treatment of human diseases [1–3]. The success of stem-cell based technologies in the clinical setting [4, 5] has emphasized the need to improve the standards of quality for all phases of cell therapy, particularly the development of culture methods that circumvent products of animal origin since these might provoke infections or immune rejection following transplantation in patients. Indeed, since Martin et al. (2005) [6] demonstrated that hESC cultured with animal or serum products retained non-human sialic acid which was immunogenic when transplanted in humans, the establishment of animal-free conditions to support the maintenance and differentiation of human stem cells has been a major goal of the field of regenerative medicine [7]. Thus, chemically-defined culture systems that are devoid of non-human substances will greatly facilitate the use of stem cells in regenerative strategies. The concept of a niche is crucial for the organization of stem cells. A niche is consider as a subset of tissue cells and extracellular substrates (matrix and soluble factors) that can support stem cells and control their self-renewal in vivo [8]. Extracellular matrices help to structure niches spatially and modulate the concentration of adhesive and signalling molecules locally. The ECM is a molecular complex that contains collagens and other glycoproteins, hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and elastins. Additionally, the ECM harbours growth factors or cytokines to protect against degradation [9]. ECM components are responsible for adhesion during the majority of cell interactions and are implicated in the maintenance of embryonic induction during development as well as stem cell differentiation in vitro [10]. Thus, local changes in ECM can dramatically modulate the proliferation and migration of stem cells and may participate in the specification of lineages. hESC have provided invaluable tools for gaining insight into the developmental origins of human tissues. However, to realize the full biological and clinical potential of hESC, certain problems related with the routine culture of these cells must be solved. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and murine derivatives such as Matrigel are widely used in the maintenance and differentiation of hESC. Recently, considerable effort has been dedicated to the elimination of animal-derived reagents from the culture of hESC and in parallel, to the control of cell growth parameters by avoiding human feeder cells. For example, in 2006 Ludwig et al. reported the use of conditioned media and high doses of FGF to maintain the undifferentiated state in hESC cultured on plastic, but some abnormalities were detected at passage 20 under these conditions [11, 12]. The use of human feeders complicates the growth and molecular analysis of both pluripotency and differentiation since experimental data may reflect the combined effects of hESC and feeder cells in the culture. Given these considerations, the use of an ECM of human or synthetic origin would provide many advantages. Indeed, there have been attempts [13, 14] to produce such a tool but the results have not been satisfactory because the products were unable to maintain hESC in the undifferentiated state over time. Matrix proteins have been used as coating for in vitro cultures of human stem cells but they have usually been applied as undefined protein mixtures [11] of animal origin [15] with undefined media [13], serum [16] or a synthetic mixture [17, 18]. However, most of these human biological reagents are expensive to manufacture and thus, are cost-prohibitive for many laboratories. Decellularization procedures have been used traditionally to isolate ECM from cells in culture, tissues or organs [19]. The goal of decellularization protocols is to efficiently remove cellular and nuclear material while minimizing any adverse effect on the composition, biological activity and mechanical and structural integrity of the remaining ECM [20, 21]. Decellularized human scaffolds have facilitated the remodelling of various tissues in both animal models and humans [4, 22]. However, any biochemical procedure employed to remove cells may also alter the native three-dimensional architecture of the ECM and thus, a balance must be achieved between chemical and physical treatments during the decellularization process [4, 5, 23]. Given the potential importance of hESC in translational research and regenerative medicine, the aim of the present study was to develop a simple, efficient protocol for the production of a human ECM that is both safe and economical. Here we report that hypotonic lysis of human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) generates a human ECM that retains protein components which are essential for attachment and cell-cell interaction. This hffECM was capable of maintaining the pluripotency of hESC and supporting their differentiation when used with the appropriate medium. Therefore, our results reveal hffECM as a novel tool which may facilitate the clinical application of hESC-based technologies.

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