
Mindless consumption is an excessive purchase of goods without considering the life cycle of this purchase, which harms the environment and destroys a person’s mental health, replacing universal values with “dependence on things”, fueling imaginary happiness with another dose of purchase. Today, social networks play a crucial role in this problem, spreading information about fast fashion and consumer culture. And large marketplaces subdue these habits by constantly reducing prices and speeding up or free shipping. All this happens on the ruins of the natural environment to satisfy the hunger of customers. Recently, thoughtless consumption has also been fueled by “Green brainwashing.” This phenomenon of using the good intentions of consumers perpetuates the disinformation system. This practice uses deceptive marketing techniques to make consumers think they are buying something good for the environment, although this may not be the case. A minimalist lifestyle does not require a complete rejection of worldly possessions. On the contrary, it means buying only those things that have a constant ability to bring real value. Minimalists approach all aspects of their lives from this perspective, carefully choosing the kind of life that makes them as happy as possible.

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