Various eco-friendly materials are used in the construction industry. South Korea employs the Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design (G-SEED), a green building certification system, in which materials account for 11% of the evaluation criteria. However, data for each eco-friendly material are managed individually by different institutions, causing inefficiency, increased costs, and potentially greater environmental impacts associated with material and resource selection. Hence, this study develops a green building materials integrated platform (GIP) that collates information on eco-friendly materials across different industries in South Korea, to support the G-SEED evaluations. Guidelines and standards related to each evaluation item were analyzed and used to compile a green building materials database. The database includes 12,636 data points representing product prices and environmental impact data. This database was used to develop the four-level Excel-based GIP. Case studies were conducted on actual G-SEED buildings to analyze the economic efficiency and environmental performance achieved by using alternative materials to those recommended by the GIP. Case 1 exhibits improvements in economic efficiency and environmental performance of 17% and 10%, respectively, whereas Case 2 exhibits improvements of 8% and 21%, respectively. Thus, both case studies boast superior combinations of green building materials compared to existing alternatives.
Industries around the world have implemented various policies and systems to cope with recent environmental impacts such as global warming [1,2]
Green building materials database was constructed in Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design (G-SEED) as Type I and III environmental labeling materials that can be used in the five materials and resources evaluation items [25]
The green building materials database was compiled using 12,636 data points found through an analysis of laws and standards related to green building materials, selection of target green building materials, acquisition of product price information and unit conversion, and analysis of environmental impact data
Industries around the world have implemented various policies and systems to cope with recent environmental impacts such as global warming [1,2]. Systems to certify that high-performance building materials have reduced environmental impacts and costs are needed. To reduce the environmental impacts of buildings, many countries are introducing and revising their certification standards for eco-friendly materials, such as the Environmental Profiles of Construction Products in the U.K., the Environmental Product Declaration in Sweden, and the Environmental Declaration of Construction Products in Germany [5]. In South Korea, certific2atoifo1n9 systems for eco-friendly construction materials are managed by the Ministry of Environment (ME) and include the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certification, which evaluates the top sseyvsteenmesnfvoirroencmo-efrniteanldimlypcaocntsstfrruocmtioanlmifeactyecrliealps earrsepmecatinvaeg, etdheblyowth-ecaMrbinoinstcreyrtoiffiEcantvioirno,ntmheecnatr(bMonE-) afonodtpinricnlut dceerthtiefiEcantvioirno,namnednttahlePrKodoruecat DEeccol-aLraabtieolnc(eErPtiDfi)cacetirotinfi,cawtihoinch, wehviaclhueavteasluiamtepsrtohveetmopenstesveinn eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall ipmeprfaocrtms farnocme.aCleifretcifyiccaletipoenrsspyestcetimves,mthaenlaogwe-dcabrybothneceMrtiinfiicsatrtyionof, tThreacdaerbaonnd-fIonodtupsrtirnyt c(MerTtiIfi)ciantciolund, eanthdetGheooKdorReeacEyccole-dLa(GbeRl)cceerrtitfiifcicaatitoionn, ,wwhhicichheevvaaluluaatetessimthperqouvaelmityenotfsriencyenclveidropnrmodeunctatsl p[6e–r1fo1r].mance. MMoorreeoovveerr,, tthhiiss GGIIPP iiss iinntteennddeedd ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt tthhee eevvaalluuaattiioonn ooff mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd rreessoouurrcceess ccrriitteerriiaa iinn GGrreeeenn SSttaannddaarrdd ffoorr EEnneerrggyy aanndd EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall DDeessiiggnn ((GG--SSEEEEDD)),, tthhrroouugghh tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aa ggrreeeenn bbuuiillddiinngg mmaatteerriiaallss ddaattaabbaassee tthhaatt iinncclluuddeess pprroodduuccttpprriicceess.
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