
Highly sensitive staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) assay is of great importance for the prevention of toxic diseases caused by SEB. In this study, we present a gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-linked immunosorbent assay (ALISA) for detecting SEB in a sandwich format using a pair of SEB specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) performed in microplates. First, the detection mAb was labeled with AuNPs of different particle sizes (15, 40 and 60 nm). Then the sandwich immunosorbent assay for SEB detection was performed routinely in a microplate except for using AuNPs-labeled detection mAb. Next, the AuNPs adsorbed on the microplate were dissolved with aqua regia and the content of gold atoms was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). Finally, a standard curve was drawn of the gold atomic content against the corresponding SEB concentration. The detection time of ALISA was about 2.5 h. AuNPs at 60 nm showed the highest sensitivity with an actual measured limit of detection (LOD) of 0.125 pg/mL and a dynamic range of 0.125-32 pg/mL. AuNPs at 40 nm had an actual measured LOD of 0.5 pg/mL and a dynamic range of 0.5 to 128 pg/mL. AuNPs at 15 nm had an actual measured LOD of 5 pg/mL, with a dynamic range of 5-1280 pg/mL. With detection mAb labeled with AuNPs at 60 nm, ALISA's intra- and interassay coefficient variations (CV) at three concentrations (2, 8, and 20 pg/mL) were all lower than 12% and the average recovery level was ranged from 92.7% to 95.0%, indicating a high precision and accuracy of the ALISA method. Moreover, the ALISA method could be successfully applied to the detection of various food, environmental, and biological samples. Therefore, the successful establishment of the ALISA method for SEB detection might provide a powerful tool for food hygiene supervision, environmental management, and anti-terrorism procedures and this method might achieve detection and high-throughput analysis automatically in the near future, even though GFAAS testing remains costly at present.

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