
The paper deals with the design of a front loader using three-dimensional modeling, and its manufacturing. The area of use of the front loader is individual farms with a small but regular need for the volume of transported goods. The existing loaders have greater productivity and correspondingly high cost, which is not suitable for individual farms. The task is to design a simple and reliable front loader that can be aggregated with an MTZ tractor. The loader must have a maximum load capacity of 1000 kg with a safety factor of 2...2,5. The front loader was designed and manufactured. The design was carried out in a three-dimensional CAD software SolidWorks, the calculation of the maximum load was made by the finite element method. During calculations, the optimal geometrical parameters of the loader parts, capable of withstanding a given load with minimum stresses, were determined. The kinematics of assemblies and parts were made and tested allowing the structure to perform its functionality correctly along a given trajectory. The front loader was made on the basis of an individual farm. The available materials for the production of this loader were: channel, pipe, angle bars, 40 mm thick solid metal and standard units - hydraulic cylinders and high pressure hoses. Tests for loading logs have shown that the device is reliable and has good performance. No complaints and comments on the work of the loader were noted. The measures to improve the loader are outlined. These are the development of a rotary assembly of a vertical stand, reinforcement of the boom anchoring axis, development of tractor stoppers. This will allow mobile work with a load of more than 1000 kg.

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