
This project report describes the development of the Questionnaire for the Assessment of Teaching Competencies in Medicine (FKM_L) and the analysis of some of its psychometric properties. The design of the FKM_L is based on the model of Core Competency for Teachers in Medicine (KLM) model of the GMA Committee on Personnel and Organizational Development in Teaching. Global questions and in-depth items were formulated for each of the sub-competencies of the six core competencies of the KLM model. Depending on the number of sub-competencies, there are 3-4 subscales for each core competency, comprising 69 items in total. Data from 90 participants of medical didactic courses were analysed. Item analyses supported the hypothesized scales. The internal consistencies (Cronbach's alpha: CR-α) of the 22 subscales ranged from CR-α=.70 to CR-α=.93, and the item difficulty indices of the subscales ranged from 18% to 89%. For 2 subscales, some items had a difficulty index of more than 80%, and for 3 subscales, the difficulty index of some items was less than 25%. The FKM_L was developed to assess individual and group profiles of teachers' competence in medicine. The results of this first psychometric analysis are promising: With the help of the FKM_L, teachers can learn about and reflect on aspects of their teaching competencies in the context of medical didactic courses. Based on their FKM_L profiles, they can decide whether they want to selectively optimize their competence characteristics. For providers, the FKM_L is suitable as a screening tool to identify, among other things, gaps in the training offered. Further analyses are necessary to check limitations identified in some scales and to improve individual items. In addition, research on the construct and criterion-related validity of the instrument is required.

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