
To obtain a beam of polarized deuterons, a cryogenic source Polaris has been developed according to the program of. research at the Dubna synchrophasotron '''. The source is installed on a high-voltage terminal of the linac preaccelerator, A beam of deuterons from the source is accelerated in the synchrophasotron'^/. At present the source is being improved. A polarimeter with ^He and He targets has been developed to measure the polarization of the beam of deuterons after the lihac. Results of this work are presented in the report. 1. DESIGN OF THE SOURCE A cryogenic pulsed source Polaris for a beam of polarized deuterons is described in the Proceedings of previous symposia''''. The design of the source has been changed and improved. A principal diagram of the source is shown in Fig.l. Recently the problem of increasing the intensity of sources due to cooling an atomic beam to cryogenic temperatures has been of interest'3>^i This possibility can be easily realized in a cryogenic source. Earlier a dissociator and a nozzle of the source Polaris were cooled to a temperature of ~120 K as they were attached to a shield colled with liquid nitrogen. Presently, after the dissociator the atomic flow is supplied to a 4 3 mm teflon pipe 95 mm long, the end of which has a temperature of 12-38 K at the output depending on the state of contact with a liqued helium cryostat (Fig.l)'^/. Due to decreasing the temperature of the atomic beam, the aperture and length of pole tips of a superconducting sextupole magnet is changed. The configuration of several versions of the system, their geometrical dimensions, values of ion current Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1985289

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