
Purpose of the study.The aim of the study is to create a course on modern cloud technologies based on the openstack cloud virtualization platform.The popularity of the openstack platform makes it the main platform for building cloud technologies in many large Russian and international companies in various business areas.In the process of developing the course, the goal was to adhere to the principles of open education.Development of the course was motivated by the growing popularity of cloud technologies in most IT companies and demand for qualified specialists in this field.Materials and methods.Analytical reports in the field of modern trends in the development of cloud technologies, materials on current trends in hiring employees by industry, as well as official documentation on projects, used in the course are selected as the main materials for the study.During the development and implementation of the project, the following pedagogical techniques were used:acquisition of new knowledge based on pre-existing one;teamwork and demonstration of communication skills; making educational hypotheses to resolve problematic situations;planning to achieve the goal (getting results);private methods of students’ learning activities (detailing the tasks, initial conditions and the course of the study).Results.As a result of the study, the necessity of creating an educational course for students was substantiated, and a special course was developed for teaching the openstack cloud virtualization platform, which includes the necessary materials (presentations, lectures, seminars, as well as a platform and laboratory stands for students with access via the Internet).A special course web page was created where potential students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the description and basic components of the course, send a request for participation, and also get access to the materials (after confirmation of the participant by the administrator).Every year, the developed materials, the platform and laboratory stands are updated due to the release of new versions of openstack, adding new functionality and updating business needs.Conclusion.In conclusion, a decision was formulated on the advisability of creating a special course for students and specialists. The developed course was tested in leading higher educational institutions of the country, and is a convenient tool for both students and companies, interested in qualified personnel in the field of cloud technologies.The special course was tested on students of the Faculties of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, the Faculty ofMechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Innopolis University and Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.According to the results of the special course, students were selected for internships and practical training, which confirmed the effectiveness of the developed course.


  • The aim of the study is to create a course on modern cloud technologies based on the openstack cloud virtualization platform

  • In the process of developing the course, the goal was to adhere to the principles of open education

  • As a result of the study, the necessity of creating an educational course for students was substantiated, and a special course was developed for teaching the openstack cloud virtualization platform, which includes the necessary materials

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Тенденции развития облачных технологий

Эксперты и консалтинговые компании фиксируют и прогнозируют рост затрат компаний на информационные технологии в 2017–2020 годах и, значительную часть в общем бюджете занимают облачные технологии. [15]. Основным и наиболее популярным примером виртуализации является возможность запуска и поддержки нескольких гостевых операционных систем на одной: при этом, у каждого из экземпляров таких гостевых операционных систем свой набор логических ресурсов (процессорных, оперативной памяти, устройств хранения), предоставлением которых из общего пула, доступного на уровне оборудования, управляет хостовая операционная система – гипервизор. Для предоставления конечных ресурсов виртуализации (виртуальных машины, ресурсов или приложений) по «облачной» модели недостаточно исключительно технологии виртуализации, как правило, ее дополняют платформы построения виртуальной ИТ-инфраструктуры, включающие в себя также и набор дополнительных компонентов. Openstack – это комплекс проектов свободного программного обеспечения, который может быть использован для создания инфраструктурных облачных сервисов и облачных хранилищ, при том как публичных, так и частных. Это постоянное хранилище можно представить как дополнительный том (диск D: или E: в Microsoft Windows Server), ко-. Популярностью платформы openstack обуславливается выбор ее в качестве основной платформы для построения облачных технологий во многих крупных российских и международных компаниях различных сфер бизнеса. [14] По этой причине, было принято решение проанализировать наличие и доступность курсов, обучающих взаимодействию с данной платформой

Анализ курсов по платформе openstack
Характеристика разработанного спецкурса по платформе openstack
12. Brian Madden Book
15. IT budgets 2017-18
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