
ISSUE: To prevent the transmission of influenza to persons at risk of complications and death from influenza, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends annual vaccination of healthcare workers (HCWs). National data demonstrates HCW vaccination coverage of 36%. BJC HealthCare has had an average rate of 47% (range 40–52%) over the past 6 years. However, our goal was to improve influenza vaccination coverage for our 24,300 employees. PROJECT: A vaccination program assessment was conducted using a 14-question survey of 13 (100%) occupational health departments covering employees at 11 hospitals, five long-term-care facilities, home care, and multiple outpatient entities. Based on the survey results, an influenza vaccination program “best practices” was developed. These best practices were implemented at 100% of BJC HealthCare occupational health departments in the fall of 2003. RESULTS: The key aspects identified by the survey assessment included: readily accessible vaccination opportunities such as cafeteria campaigns; key partnerships with Administration, Infection Control, and Safety; educational materials; and incentives for getting vaccinated including gift certificates, event tickets, cafeteria coupons, and a cash drawing. One important aspect identified was effective marketing that included the use of multiple methods such as organizational and entity newspaper articles, paycheck flyers, poster displays, mass e-mails, and management meeting announcements. A vaccination rate of 52.7% (12,797 vaccinations/24,300 employees) demonstrates an increase of 6.7%. In addition, the increased vaccination rates occurred over a shorter period of time (7 weeks during 2003 versus 12 weeks during 2002). LESSONS LEARNED: Implementation of best practices for influenza vaccination programs increased vaccination coverage for HCWs. Ongoing evaluation of vaccination efforts, rate analysis, and recommendations for best practices should continue to increase influenza vaccination coverage for HCWs.

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