
It is urgently needed to quantitatively assess ecological health of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) when considering its special environmental conditions and temporal variations caused by reservoir operation. This study developed a bacteria-based index of biotic integrity (Ba-IBI) based on sediment samples collected along the TGR in low water level period, impoundment period and sluicing period, respectively. Reference conditions were defined using 8 ecological variables describing the hydromorphology and anthropogenic disturbances around the sites. Five core metrics, including % Acidobacteria, % Gemmatimonadetes, % Geobacter, Methanotroph and Phototroph, were selected after the screening processes. The developed index could clearly discriminate reference and impaired conditions and exhibited significant relationship with environmental parameters according to the redundancy (p < 0.01) and multivariable linear regression analysis (R2 = 0.76). By implementing Ba-IBI in the TGR, the ecological health of the sampling sites was defined as “Excellent” (25%), “Good” (50%) and “Fair” (25%) separately. The spatial variation of biotic integrity was closely associated with environmental and ecological changes, especially the increase of nutrient concentrations. This study revealed a significant tendency that the ecological health in the low water level and sluicing periods was better than that in the impoundment period, which could be attributed to the hydrodynamic changes due to water level fluctuation. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of ecological health of the TGR in different operation periods and the index offers a guideline for the reservoir regulation in the similar areas.

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