
Antibiotic exist in various states after entering agricultural soil through the application of manure, including the aqueous state (I), which can be directly absorbed by plants, and the auxiliary organic extraction state (III), which is closely associated with the pseudo-permanence of antibiotics. However, effective analytical methods for extracting and affecting factors on fractions of different antibiotic states remain unclear. In this study, KCl, acetonitrile/Na2EDTA-McIlvaine buffer, and acetonitrile/water were successively used to extract states I, II, and III of 21 antibiotics in soil, and the recovery efficiency met the quantitative requirements. Random forest classification and variance partitioning analysis revealed that dissolved organic matter, pH, and organic matter were important factors affecting the recovery efficiency of antibiotic in states I, II, and III, respectively. Additionally, 65-day spiked soil experiments combined with Mantel test analysis suggested that pH, organic acids, heavy metals, and noncrystalline minerals differentially affected antibiotic type and state. Importantly, a structural equation model indicated that organic acids play a crucial role in the fraction of antibiotic states. Overall, this study reveals the factors influencing the fraction of different antibiotic states in soil, which is helpful for accurately assessing their ecological risk.

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