
The provision of teaching materials in the Sociology of Sports course is the first step to creating an KKNI space in the lecture according to the course being lectured. Development of Sports Sociology teaching materials at the Faculty of Sport Science (FIK) Unimed was compiled based on inadequate lecture materials on the content aspects of lecture needs and aspects of conformity in the KKNI curriculum at the University. The method to be used is the research and development (RnD) method of Redesign Design, which is the making of the Sociology of Sports teaching material that is adapted to the KKNI Curriculum. Study the procedure for developing the Richey and Klein method used is level 3, which is researching and testing to develop existing products. Data collection techniques were carried out using instruments such as questionnaires, Forum Group Discussion (FGD), and Observation. The validity of the data of this study was carried out through checking the data carried out by triangulating data sources. Data analysis technique used in this study is to reduce data from data sources collected in writing and in detail. The results of the study were obtained Sport Sociology teaching materials in the limited trial phase obtained the results of the feasibility of teaching materials by 45 percent, at the main trial stage 75 percent, and at the operational trial phase 92 percent with very good category. Conclusions the development of the Sociology of Sport module can be applied to the excellent test results category, and is suitable for use in the KKNI curriculum lectures at Medan State University.

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