
Nowadays Islamic banking in Indonesia become more developed. It has good impact to the Islamic Microfinance Institution with a more complete supporting facilities. Networks and associations as well as special attention to the banking community makes it easy to set up Islamic banking BMT (Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil). During eighteen years of BMT developments in Indonesia, the growth of BMT is influenced by human resources, working capital and systems. Human resources become the main benchmark for BMT and BMT also has human resources who are capable in their fields, have high integrity, work motivation and good performance so that BMT will grow dynamically. However, growth will be hampered when the owned capital is inadequate.Working capital is needed to develop BMT. One of the factors which determine the volume of financing that can be issued is working capital. Human resources should be supported by working capital. This could happen if it integrate with each other so that bad impact will not affect the earnings and the certainty in the future. Bad impact may occur to BMT that related to the resignation of trained employees due to welfare issues. The worst problem is the employees become not trustworthy.This study aims to conduct a study model of the development of BMT, including working capital, human resources and systems that can be applied to BMT.Models used in this study took samples of BMT in the 50 Kota Regency, Payakumbuh and Padang by taking samples of 2 BMT each location of the observation. Respondents in this study were employees of each BMT and took 6 people through random sampling method through interviews, observation and questionnaires.

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