
This article delineates the opinion gap between what we see as pan-globe journalism worldwide with regards to the birth of New International Information Order. It discusses development journalism as a misunderstood concept and how Nigerians perceive this form of journalism. Create an interactive experiential exhibit that simulates various aspects of local history, such as citizen involvement, cultural traditions, ethnic diversity, or natural features. Emphasizing media’s significant position in development of the society, the work brings to focus the necessity of a change from politics and business orientation to an inclusive reporting which addresses the gaps and the livelihood issues affecting the differing strata of the society. Cultural development of the media press is the basis of the article. Hence, first of all, national culture is preferably reflected in content and language. Also, as one of the main themes, it gives principles of peace journalism which is intended to be a responsible reporting tool that can bridge up Nigerians and bring unity and development within the country. On the other hand, the author discusses obstacles obstructing the adequate deployment of the African development journalism in Nigeria including digital impact, ownership of the media houses and profit-oriented news outlets. Keywords: Press, Development, Media, Order, Journalism and Nigerian Press.

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