
Diploid wild einkorn wheat, Triticum boeoticum Boiss (AbAb, 2n = 2x = 14), is a wheat-related species with a blue aleurone layer. In this study, six blue-grained wheat lines were developed from F8 progeny of crosses between common wheat and T. boeoticum. The chromosome constitutions of these lines were characterized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using the oligonucleotide probes Oligo-pTa535-1, Oligo-pSc119.2-1, Oligo-pTa71-2, and (AAC)7. Multicolor FISH using Oligo-pTa535-1, Oligo-pSc119.2-1, and Oligo-pTa71-2 identified all 42 common wheat chromosomes, while Oligo-pTa535-1 and (AAC)7 discriminated the 14 chromosomes of T. boeoticum. FISH revealed that all six blue-grained lines were wheat-T. boeoticum 4Ab (4B) disomic substitution lines. The substitution lines were validated by genotyping using the wheat 55K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array containing 53,063 markers. These 4Ab (4B) substitution lines represent novel germplasm for blue-grained wheat breeding. The FISH probes and SNP markers used here can be applied in the development of blue-grained wheat-Triticum boeoticum translocation lines.

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