
The development of information technology has affected all fields, namely the field of education without exception. Information technology-based learning (e-learning) is learning where all information is centered on students. If the educator is not present, learning can still be done with e-learning learning which can be accessed using the internet. Current learning at ITB STIKOM Bali, especially in the Information Systems course, is still not effective due to limited learning resources that can increase student enthusiasm for learning. This lack of learning resources for students is a problem during a pandemic and currently facing the digital era due to unpreparedness in dealing with the digital world, this also occurs at the ITB STIKOM Bali campus which still uses learning resources that are less attractive and less interactive which causes students to be less interested to learn. This is supported by data from questionnaire results from 60 students who have completed GIS lectures with previous learning resources, around 72% of students stated that they agreed with the development of learning resources using multimedia e-modules. This course was chosen in the development of teaching materials because teaching Geographic Information Systems requires high-level thinking skills in the process of understanding theory and its applications, therefore higher-order thinking skills play an important role in developing understanding of the material and learning along with it. requires high concentration in digital map digitization. Based on these problems, it is necessary to develop learning resources in the form of Moodle-based multimedia-based e-modules that can be accessed by students online. The method of making an application using the method. The research method consists of literature study, MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) stages and evaluation. Testing the e-module by giving questionnaires to students taking Geographic Information Systems courses. The software used in making e-modules is Adobe Captivate and other supporting software in photo, audio, and video editing. Testing the effectiveness of the e-module by giving pre-test and post-test to 20 students randomly with an average N-Gain learning result of 0.78 in the high category so the e-module is very effectively used as a learning resource.

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