
ABSTRACT CBZ is a general-purpose reactor physics analysis code system, and FRBurner, which focuses on fast reactor burnup calculations, was developed recently with diverse combinations of available methodologies. Verification of this module is conducted with the OECD/NEA fast rector benchmark since this benchmark provides various types of fast reactors. Four key reactor physics parameters, effective neutron multiplication factor k eff, effective delayed neutron fraction β eff, sodium void reactivity ∆ρ void, and Doppler reactivity ∆ρ Doppler are the focus and compared to two references provided by JAEA and CEA, respectively. The biases between the results from FRBurner and the JAEA and CEA references on each of the above key parameters are less than 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 7%, and less than 1.0%, 4%, 12%, and 12%, respectively. The comparison indicates that the FRBurner module would provide acceptable results for general-type fast reactor physics analysis in research. As one innovation, the detailed burnup chain model, which is significantly different from a generally used pseudo fission product model in fast reactor neutronic analysis, is applied in FRBurner. The detailed burnup chain model helps FRBurner explicitly provide information about the inventory of fission products for nuclear waste management and spent fuel reprocessing.

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