
To develop and validate the operational definition (ODs) for each defining characteristic (DC) contained in the Nursing Diagnosis (ND) "insomnia" (00095) in the occupational health context. Methodological study carried out in two stages, including a consensus of experts to develop the ODs (Stage 1) and an online Delphi panel, performed in two rounds, to validate them (Stage 2). The 15 ODs proposed in Stage 1 were narrowed down to six validated ODs in the first round (diagnostic content validity index [DCVI] = 0.80-0.89). In the second round, five ODs were validated (DCVI = 0.80-0.94). Finally, the remaining four ODs were validated by the general consensus of experts. The ODs were validated, although there remains some doubt as to whether some of the DCs can be applied to the field of occupational health. The ODs developed and validated could improve the diagnostic accuracy of the ND "insomnia" (00095) in the context of occupational health.

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