
The main purpose of the present study was to develop and validate a scaleto measure the attitude of English teachers towards teaching reading atearly grade level called Teachers’ Attitude Scale in Teaching EnglishReading (TAS-TER) with three sub-dimensions: Affective factor ofattitude (AFA), Behaviourial Factor of Attitude (BFA) and CognitiveFactor of Attitude (CFA). The initial draft, comprising of Fifty-five (55)items, was pilot tested on 250 English teachers teaching grade II in Publicsector schools in district Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Exploratory factoranalysis (EFA) was ensured through SPSS version-26, with factor loadingless than 0.5 were deleted from the tool. Moreover, Confirmatory factoranalysis (CFA) was also ensured to make the model fit, through AMOSsoftware. Results of the test affirmed that the model is a valid and reliable;reduced to twenty-five (25) items with α = 0.822, out of which nine (9)items retained for AFA with α =0.865, seven (7) items for the BFA withα = 0.866, and nine (9) items retained for CFA with α = 0.928. Thus, theresults provided evidence to use the TAS-TER to identify and measure theteachers’ attitude in teaching English reading skill at early grade level.

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