
Commercially available tunas and billfishes are generally processed as steaks, making it difficult to visually distinguish between the two. We developed and validated species-specific primers to prevent the adulteration of tunas by billfishes. Tunas and billfishes primers were designed on the cytochrome oxidase subunit I. Multiplex PCR bands obtained were 579bp, 291bp and 114bp for tunas, billfishes and internal control. Sensitivity was determined to be 5ng for tunas and billfishes. A total of 50 samples were monitored: 49 for tunas and 1 for billfish. As a result of the monitoring, the fake tunas did not show due to the agreement between product name and the raw material of the wrapping paper. Our results indicate that the species-specific primers developed in this study are suitable for differentiating tunas and billfishes. The newly developed multiplex PCR assay is a time and cost effective technique for determining the authenticity of tunas and billfishes.

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