
Being highly fragmented and low in concentration, isolation of good quality RNA from sperm cells is a big challenge. Attempts have been made to evaluate various sperm RNA isolation methods from purified buffalo bull sperm cells. Both, non-membrane and membrane-based methods have been evaluated for isolating RNA from Murrah buffalo sperms and compared for their respective efficacies. The traditional TRIzol, TRIzol-heat lysed (H-TRIzol) and cocktail of TCEP-RLT lysis buffer (Qiagen RNeasy mini kit)-TRIzol (C-TRIzol) based isopropanol isolation methods have been evaluated. H-TRIzol yielded best results among conventional methods. The combined T-RLT RNA isolation protocol yielded best quality and quantity compared to other membrane-based methods, due to high lytic property of cocktail of lysis reagents, necessary for complete breakdown of sperm membrane and RNA binding membrane for RNA isolation. Combined lysis performed by treatment with RLT-T and T-RLT differing in order of reagents used were also evaluated. T-RLT combination giving better results compared to RLT-T due to high gDNA contamination and membrane clogging in later protocol steps. Overall, in terms of total RNA quantity and quality per million spermatozoa, the heat-lysed TRIzol method (H-TRIzol) performs best among RNA separation techniques employed and is also quite easy to perform. This comparative evaluation of sperm RNA isolation protocols can be useful in deciding the best protocol for isolation of good quality and high concentration sperm RNA from buffalo semen, for transcriptome and other downstream studies.

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