
Zoonotic transmission of Hendra virus (HeV) from primary hosts (pteropid bats) to horses, and, occasionally, onward adventitious spread to humans, is associated with high mortality rates in both affected secondary species. The introduction of an effective recombinant G protein vaccine for use in horses has been a major advance for the suppression of disease risk. However, equine HeV vaccination induces neutralising antibody that is indistinguishable from a post infection immune response when using most first line serology assays (eg. VNT and some ELISAs). We have constructed and evaluated an IgM antibody capture (MAC) ELISA which employs yeast expressed HeV nucleoprotein (N). All other serology tests use the G protein which does not detect early infection and is present in the current Hendra virus vaccine and may cause ambiguity in interpretation of results. Thus, this is the first test developed using a N protein which can successfully detect a recent (primarily within the last four weeks) infection of horses with HeV and is not affected by vaccination induced antibody. Testing a limited panel (21 samples) of post infection sera, a normal serum panel (288 samples) and a post vaccination panel (163 samples), we have estimated DSe to be 100 % (95 % CI, 83.9–100.0 %) and DSp to be 98.4 % (95 % CI, 96.8–99.4 %) relative to assigned serology results (VNT, ELISA and Luminex) for the test panels. The HeV IgM MAC ELISA is intended to supplement other molecular and serology test results, with selective use, and is the only serology test which can provide an indication for recent infection which is otherwise not available.

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