
Traditional accurate radiotherapy includes accurate positioning, planning and delivery. With the development of adaptive radiotherapy techniques, it is necessary to accurately verify the dose delivered during and after the treatment. Based on the general demands in traditional accurate radiotherapy, a whole course of Four-Accuracies Radiotherapy was proposed, including accurate planning, accurate positioning, accurate delivery and accurate verification to guarantee an excellent match between the dose received by the patient and the expected dose. Furthermore, an accurate radiotherapy system KylinRay was developed to provide solutions for radiotherapy including Intensity-modulated Accurate Radiotherapy System (KylinRay-IMRT), Image-guided Accurate Positioning and Tracking System (KylinRay-IGRT), Dynamic Multi-Leaf Collimator System (KylinRay-DMLC), and Dose-guided Real-time Verification System (KylinRay-DGRT). In this paper, the architecture of KylinRay and each sub-system and the key technologies are introduced, and the key technologies are tested with international standards and clinical cases. The verification and validation results indicated that the function and performance of KylinRay can meet the needs of clinical practice.

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