
The present study is an attempt to conceptualize, develop and validate a scale for the purpose of measuring Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) practices adopted by an organization and also evaluating its performance on different dimensions of SSCM. Based on extensive review of literature, the study has identified five constructs of SSCM practices, namely Environmental Management Practices, Operations practices, Supply Chain Integration, Socially Inclusive Practices for Employees, and Socially Inclusive Practices for Community and another five constructs of SSCM performance namely Environmental Performance, Operations Performance, Competitiveness, Employee-centred Social Performance, and Community-centred Social Performance. A survey instrument was designed based on the extant literature and relevant data was collected on this instrument from 255 organizations. The data analysis primarily involves application of confirmatory factor analysis for validating the instrument in respect of unidimensionality, reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, nomological validity and criterion-related validity. The outcome of the analysis gives rise to a parsimonious instrument which makes a significant contribution to SCM literature. The instrument would enable an organization to implement different elements of SSCM practices, monitor the status of its implementation and finally assess organizational performance on the dimensions of SSCM.

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