
This study aimed to develop a Knowledge Checklist of Cognitive Therapy for Nurses (KCCTN) to assess theeffectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy-based training. Sixteen items were collected from the provisional KCCTN; four response choices were created for each item with one correct response. The reliability and validity study results showed that Cronbach’s alpha was 0.63. The intra-class correlation was calculated using the data on the number of correct answers before and after the training of nursing college students, and the reliability was confirmed at r=0.65 (p<0.01). The uncorrelatedness of KCCTN and KBPAC helped establish discriminatory validity. Two-way analysis of variance with the dependent variable being the KCCTN score of the intervention group (nurses, N=30) and control group (nursing students, N=76) implementing cognitive-behavioral therapy, and pre-and post-intervention factors were calculated for hospital nurses. The results showed a significant interaction with a significant improvement in the intervention group.

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