
We developed and tested a combined foraging and bioenergetics model for predicting growth over the lifetime of drift-feeding brown trout. The foraging component estimates gross energy intake within a fish- and prey size-dependent semicircular foraging area that is perpendicular to the flow, with options for fish feeding across velocity differentials. The bioenergetics component predicts how energy is allocated to growth, reproduction, foraging costs, and basal metabolism. The model can reveal the degree to which growth is limited by the density and size structure of invertebrate drift within the physiological constraints set by water temperature. We tested the model by predicting growth based on water temperature and on drift density and size structure data from postemergence to age 12, and we compared the predictions with observed size at age as determined from otoliths and scales for a New Zealand river brown trout population. The model produced realistically shaped growth curves in relation to the observed data, accurately predicting mean size at age over the lifetime of the trout, assuming 24-h maximum rations and including diurnal drift-foraging costs (predicted versus observed weight r2 = 0.94; length r2 = 0.97). The model predicted that, within a given water-temperature regime, growth is limited primarily by reproduction costs but also by increasing foraging costs as trout grow (a phenomenon that is associated with the increasing foraging time that is required in order to feed to satiation on small invertebrate drift prey). Invertebrate drift size structure significantly influenced predicted growth, especially maximum size, through its effect on foraging time. The model has potential in terms of the exploration of growth-limiting factors and has associated use as an environmental-impact tool and as an aid for hypothesis generation in studies of salmonid growth processes.

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