
Mindfulness has found its rapid upsurge in varied fields of practical relevance. Starting from psychology it had percolated into medicine, neuroscience, education, business set-up and other societal organization. Mindfulness is the result of convergence of Religion (Buddhism) and Science. Mindfulness involves to the present moment addressed with certain qualities. Despite its beneficial impact, an authentic operational definition of mindfulness is yet to be unanimously accepted (Bishop, 2002). One way of conceptualizing mindfulness is to view it as an bestowed with specific qualities like acceptance, non striving nature etc., Attention with appropriate attitude constitutes mindfulness (Shapiro et al., 2006).The present scale under development focuses on the attitudinal components of mindfulness briefly known as mindfulness qualities. Operationally mindfulness is postulated as awareness to the present moment both internal and external with varied cognitive and affective qualitiesThe pioneer of this field Jon Kabat Zinn listed down 9 cognitive qualities- Non Striving, Non-Judgment, Acceptance, Patience, Trust, Openness to Experience, Letting go which are used as a basis to develop the tool. The 5 affective qualities listed by Jon Kabat Zinn, Shapiro, Schwartz, and Nhat Hanh are Gratitude, Gentleness, Generosity, Empathy, and Loving Kindness. By fostering these affective and cognitive qualities, we would be able to relate better with the present moment (Labbe, 2011). Most of the available scales of mindfulness focus on few of these qualities. The present study makes an effort to understand a holistic perspective of mindfulness qualities.Cognitive qualitiesNon-striving refers to being unattached to the results. It is the most misunderstood aspect of mindfulness. Present moment is the only available moment and thus by being in the present, desired future is automatically framed rather than being obsessed about the goal (Kabat-Zinn, 2012). Non Judgment enables maintaining a neutral attitude to the moment which enhances the experience of present moment (Labbe, 2011). Acceptance goes parallel with non judgment and provides an opportunity to accept all kinds of experiences. Acceptance reduces the denial of reality (Huxter, 2016). Patience enables experiencing the moment as it is without rushing their course. Patience is graceful waiting (Jamie Marich & Foreword by Christine Valters Paintner, 2015). Trust is the belief in one's own stance and natural course of happening. It takes time to essentially reap the benefits of mindfulness and a trustful stance is pivotal to stick on to the course of mindfulness (Alidina, 2014). Openness to experience initiates a beginner's perspective- one that is not colored by judgments, expectations. Indulgence in this quality of mindfulness opens up creative achievement (Kaufman & Gregoire, 2015). Letting go is the capacity to relieve oneself from thoughts, feelings, and experience after acknowledging them. Most of these qualities are entwined and has very minuscule difference.Affective qualitiesGratitude refers to appreciating moments in life. However human brain is wired in such a way that curses and banes are remembered to enable survival (Halliwell, 2015). Gratitude grows about the present moment (Fralich, 2013). Gentleness refers to the calm composure with which one handles oneselfas well as the environment. This quality fosters the possibility of and acceptance (Halliwell, 2015). Generosity is the capacity to offer others time, service, etc., without expecting returns (Labbe, 2011). Empathy refers to being able to understand what others are feeling without sympathizing or infantilizing the person. It is a quality that enables mindfully dealing with interpersonal relationship. Loving Kindness is the essence of affective quality that spreads a sense of compassion for all beings. It is compassion without discrimination (Didonna, 2008). …

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