
The paper considers the solution of the scienti­fic and practical problem of improving the system of control of the parameters of the technological process of halva production from the creation of the structu­ral scheme to the development of the electrical circuit diagram. The results of direct multiple measurements obtained from the control system, namely the humi­dity and temperature sensor (SHT21), have been pro­cessed. The equations of direct and inverse regression were constructed and the nature of the relationship between temperature and humidity was established using the pair correlation coefficients.
 The developed control system makes it possible to provide a relative measurement error of not less than 2,5 %. Control systems are proposed for use at halva plants with the duty to control the basic parameters of the process to ensure the production of quality products.
 The measuring device includes the follo­wing primary measuring transducers: raw material moisture sensor (FIZEPR-SW100.11.x), air humi­dity sensor (SHT21), water temperature sensor, ca­ramel mass, halves during mixing (DS18B20 Dallas Semiconductor model), temperature control sensor halva storage air (ADT7420). ATmega16 was used as the microcontroller. The proposed meter is capable of transmitting data up to 50 m over a 2,4 GHz radio channel with a SPI interface to the microcontroller. This transmission enables the nRF24L01 radio to operate at 2,4 GHz (Wi-Fi frequency).
 The need to improve the existing meter has been proved by the use of a radio channel due to the fact that at this time it is necessary to avoid using wired interfaces where possible, due to the inability, sometimes, to draw communication lines due to the pre­sence of already installed equipment.

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