
Current lower-extremity return to sport testing primarily considers the physical status of an athlete; however, sport participation requires continuous cognitive dual-task engagement. Therefore, the purpose was to develop and evaluate the reliability of a visual-cognitive reactive (VCR) triple hop test that simulates the typical sport demand of combined online visual-cognitive processing and neuromuscular control to improve return to sport testing after lower-extremity injury. Test-retest reliability. Twenty-one healthy college students (11 females, 23.5 [3.7]y, 1.73 [0.12]m, 73.0 [16.8]kg, Tegner Activity Scale 5.5 [1.1] points) participated. Participants performed a single-leg triple hop with and without a VCR dual task. The VCR task incorporated the FitLight system to challenge peripheral response inhibition and central working memory. Maximum hop distance, reaction time, cognitive errors, and physical errors were measured. Two identical testing visits were separated by 12 to 17days (14 [1]d). Traditional triple hop (intraclass correlation coefficients: ICC(3,1) = .96 [.91-.99]; standard error of the measurement = 16.99cm) and the VCR triple hop (intraclass correlation coefficients(3,1) = .92 [.82-.97]; standard error of the measurement = 24.10cm) both demonstrated excellent reliability for the maximum hop distance, and moderate reliability for the VCR triple hop reaction time (intraclass correlation coefficients(3,1) = .62 [.09-.84]; standard error of the measurement = 0.09s). On average, the VCR triple hop resulted in a hop distance deficit of 8.17% (36.4 [5.1]cm; P < .05, d = 0.55) relative to the traditional triple hop. Hop distance on the VCR triple hop had excellent test-retest reliability and induced a significant physical performance deficit when compared with the traditional triple hop assessment. The VCR triple hop reaction time also demonstrated moderate reliability.

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