
Background: Health educators have long advocated health promotion, yet their health measurement techniques have a pathogenic focus. Pathogenesis refers to the origin of a disease and the chain of events (precursors) leading to that disease. Traditional health measurement tools with this focus therefore measure health by assessing for the absence of disease or associated risk factors. Salutogenesis, as proposed by Aaron Antonovsky, refers to associated factors and precursors of good health similar to how pathogenesis focuses on associated factors and precursors of bad health. Purpose: This study proposes a health measurement scale with a salutogenic focus that measures health by assessing for the multidimensional capacity or potential for good health. Methods: Two samples of university students (N=226, N=365) were surveyed to develop and test the psychometric properties of the Salutogenic Wellness Promotion Scale (SWPS). Results: The SWPS demonstrated a multidimensional structure with good internal consistency, that positively correlated with and predicted perceived health (p<.001), and did not invoke socially desirable responses. Discussion: The SWPS demonstrated preliminary evidence of reliability and validity in its measurement of health potential. Translation to Health Education Practice: Using the SWPS could assist health educators in developing methodologies and practices that facilitate improved health status.

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