
This study was aimed at developing a soil moisture sensor to effectively monitor moisture level for optimum crop growth. The sensor was made using a programmed Arduino microcontroller. It is attached to a sensing panel with two probes made of nickel that measures the volumetric content of water in soil. The probes were non-corrosive and robust material suitable for use in wet surfaces. The developed sensor was tested and evaluated. The two legged Lead (probes) goes into the soil where water content was to be measured by passing current through the soil, and then reads the resistance to get the moisture level. Nine different soil classification samples (Sandy Clay, Fine Sandy Loam, Sandy Loam, Salty Loam, Loamy Sand, Coarse Sand, Fine Sand, Sandy Clay Loam and clay soils) at different depths (3, 6, 9, 12 and 14.3 cm) were used to analyse the moisture meter at three different portion of each soil sample. Results obtained indicates that there was a progressive increase in moisture levels the more the sensor was being dipped into the soil. Results obtained also shows that all the nine soil samples but one (Silt Loam Soil Sample) analysed were within acceptable range of accuracy (0.1 - 5.0 %). The moisture sensor whose cost was approximately #22,300:00 was found to be effective, high precision at less efforts and a suitable guide for farmer for determining soil moisture levels.Keywords- Moisture, Probe, Sensor, Soil Classification

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