
ABSTRACT The Job Aid is a field guide for dispersant observers after formal training. Individuals are prepared to observe applications by different platforms and able to competently describe their observations back to a command structure for decision making. The observer is not a controller or spotter for the actual application operation. For field durability it is formatted as bound 5″×7″plastic-coated cards. This Job Aid focuses on supporting the “Observation of Aerial Applications of Dispersants” training. This training imparts the ability to identify oil, describe its characteristics, and make recommendations back to the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) concerning future dispersant actions. The observer's recommendations to the Unified Command (UC) may range from “continue operations,” “modify operations,” or “cease operations.”, The training is based upon the supposition that the decision to use dispersants has already been made. The training does not attempt to cover the decision making process. It is incumbent on the individual to be familiar with the local and regional policies regarding use of dispersants and subsequent monitoring requirements. This job aid should be used in conjunction with the “Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation” to help describe the surface oil.

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