
Path planning for autonomous mobile robots is an important task within robotics field. It is common to use one of the two classical approaches in path planning: a global approach when an entire map of a working environment is available for a robot or local methods, which require the robot to detect obstacles with a variety of onboard sensors as the robot traverses the environment.
 In our previous work, a multi-criteria spline algorithm prototype for a global path construction was developed and tested in Matlab environment. The algorithm used the Voronoi graph for computing an initial path that serves as a starting point of the iterative method. This approach allowed finding a path in all map configurations whenever the path existed. During the iterative search, a cost function with a number of different criteria and associated weights was guiding further path optimization. A potential field method was used to implement some of the criteria.
 This paper describes an implementation of a modified spline-based algorithm that could be used with real autonomous mobile robots. Equations of the characteristic criteria of a path optimality were further modified. The obstacle map was previously presented as intersections of a finite number of circles with various radii. However, in real world environments, obstacles’ data is a dynamically changing probability map that could be based on an occupancy grid. Moreover, the robot is no longer a geometric point.
 To implement the spline algorithm and further use it with real robots, the source code of the Matlab environment prototype was transferred into C++ programming language. The testing of the method and the multi criteria cost function optimality was carried out in ROS/Gazebo environment, which recently has become a standard for programming and modeling robotic devices and algorithms.
 The resulting spline-based path planning algorithm could be used on any real robot, which is equipped with a laser rangefinder. The algorithm operates in real time and the influence of the objective function criteria parameters are available for dynamic tuning during a robot motion.


  • Разработка и имплементация сплайн-алгоритма планирования пути в среде ROS/Gazebo

  • Path planning for autonomous mobile robots is an important task within robotics field

  • It is common to use one of the two classical approaches in path planning: a global approach when an entire map of a working environment is available for a robot or local methods, which require the robot to detect obstacles with a variety of onboard sensors as the robot traverses the environment

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Разработка и имплементация сплайн-алгоритма планирования пути в среде ROS/Gazebo. Алгоритм использует граф Вороного при вычислении первой аппроксимации маршрута для запуска итерационного метода, что позволило находить путь во всех конфигурациях карты при условии существования пути от начальной точки до целевой точки. В отличии от алгоритмов поиска по графу видимости и алгоритмов семейства RRT, которые находят кратчайший путь, граф Вороного позволяет находить наиболее безопасные для РТС маршруты относительно расстояний до препятствий окружающей среды в каждой точке маршрута, что обусловлено принципом построения графа.

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