
Purpose: The development and implementation of a pharmacy technician medication history program, current experience with the program, and control elements are described. Summary: A pharmacy technician medication history program was developed and implemented at a large community teaching hospital at the recommendation of a system-wide interdisciplinary medication reconciliation core team to improve the current process. Important initial steps included creation of a high-level plan for program rollout, determination of program scope and design, evaluation of staffing and workspace needs, and identification of training requirements. Development of a data collection plan for the analysis of process and outcomes measures was established to support program continuation and expansion. At the pharmacy level, regularly scheduled meetings were held to gather feedback and implement changes as the program expanded in services and scope. Educational materials were revised and additional resources created to maintain consistency with technician education. Incorporation of control elements such as monthly review of process measure data, biannual accuracy validation, and annual competency assessment helped affirm program sustainability. Throughout program implementation, the importance of using an interdisciplinary approach and establishing strong interprofessional relationships were identified as key elements for continued success. Conclusion: A successful medication history program utilizing pharmacy technicians to gather medication information can be implemented and maintained through the use of standardized training documents, regularly scheduled meetings for feedback and education, and continued interdisciplinary collaboration.

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