
In this article existing approaches to the development and implementation of an individual educational route for a younger student in an inclusive school environment were analyzed. This work was carried out as part of the dissertation research. The author presents the results of a comparative analysis of regulatory and pedagogical literature, revealing the content of such concepts as individual educational trajectory, educational environment, educational space, individual educational route, and individual curriculum. The contradictions between modern scientific ideas about the essence of an individual path in education for normatively developing children and its reduction in inclusive practice to a consolidated plan of correctional and developmental work are revealed. If in the first case, the role of the student is characterized by subjectivity, the goals of individualization of education are associated with the identification and implementation of the cognitive interests and inclinations of the child, and the role of the teacher is to provide pedagogical support and facilitation, to promote educational ideas, trials, then in the situation of developing an individual educational route for a student with disabilities of health in the center of attention is his nosology. The "route" here represents the stages of the correctional and developmental work of specialists, which is a necessary condition for the child's life, his development, but not the only tool for the individualization of education, understood as the process and result of building a person's image through the development of culture in ways that are adequate for him, at a pace and choice of content... The article proposes the author's interpretation of the concept of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities, identifies the structural components, highlights the participants contributing to its formation. As the basic resources of the variable educational environment, based on this environment an individual educational route is designed, it is proposed to consider the spheres of additional and informal education. The author presents a semi-structured interview as a pedagogical tool that allows you to design an individual educational route and evaluate its effectiveness within the framework of an anthropological approach to education. The proposed semi-structured interview as a pedagogical toolkit is intended for use in group work with the inclusion of a family raising a child with disabilities, a teacher of additional education, and other members of the inclusive community. The results and conclusions of the article, the described stages of the semi-structured interview can be used in the work of psychological and pedagogical councils of general education schools that implement educational programs for children with special educational needs.

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