
The popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is prevalent among researchers and practitioners as a new paradigm of open education resource. Since the development of this technology may entail enormous investment, it is critical for institutions to clearly plan the process in designing, developing and evaluating MOOCs that fulfill the needs of target users while keeping the investment to a minimum. Evaluation plays a vital role in assuring that the developed product meets user’s satisfaction. This study presents the process of developing a MOOC as a supplementary learning tool for students in a higher education and its usability evaluation which are rarely discussed in detail in prior literatures. Evaluation was done through a questionnaire and the items were adapted from Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ). The MOOC development process in this research which was based on the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) model and the MOOC usability evaluation results enrich existing literatures on MOOC. Overall, findings showed that users were satisfied with the developed MOOC with most of the items gained high mean score above 4.00. When respondents were asked to comment on the strength of the MOOC, the most prominent one turned out to be the MOOC’s ability to make students’ learning easier.


  • The evolution of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) was first initiated in 2008 through a course of Connectivism and Connective Knowledge [1]

  • The first part presents the development of MOOC while the second part discusses the instrument and the sample for data collection

  • The process used for developing MOOC in this study was as outlined in Fig. 1 which was adapted from Rodriguez-Ch et al [7] based on the ADDIE model

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The evolution of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) was first initiated in 2008 through a course of Connectivism and Connective Knowledge [1]. The advantage of MOOCs is as a modern form of online learning They are well known as an innovation in open distance education as a step forward in offering more learning opportunities and inspiring lifelong learning [2], [3]. This is possible due to the nature of MOOCs which allow free access and unlimited number of participants. As a result of the various benefits that this technology can bring forth, it is natural that MOOC has garnered immense interest worldwide

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