
Blastocystis is a prevalent parasite that has a wide distribution. In order to design HRM real-time PCR, primers were selected from SSU rRNA gene to amplify specific fragment with different melting temperatures for each subtype of Blastocystis. Subsequently, HRM real-time PCR was performed and melting curve analysis was done by Rotor-Gene Q software. The results of HRM real-time PCR was then compared with sequence results of "barcoding region" of SSU rRNA gene of Blastocystis. To evaluate sensitivity of test, 10-fold serial dilutions of the parasite were prepared from ~ 106 to 1 parasite per mL of stool sample and were investigated by HRM real-time PCR. In order to determine specificity of method, HRM real-time PCR was done for some microorganisms and Blastocystis-negative stool samples. In silico analysis showed that all seventeen subtypes of Blastocystis were distinguish. In vitro analysis revealed that the test discriminated subtypes with specific melting temperatures.

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