
Although the use of a team approach is ideal for a pediatric population, such an approach is expensive, with programs running at a negative balance of $400,000 to $800,000 per year. To address the problem, a "state of the art" pediatric diabetes program was implemented that was cost neutral and did not compromise patient care. Four years after starting a pediatric diabetes program run by a single provider, diabetes goals were evaluated by checking A1C levels while keeping costs in check. A1C levels were obtained every 2 to 3 months and analyzed over several months. Two hundred patients with type 1 diabetes were managed in the program. The cost of the program was analyzed on the basis of rental fees, staff salaries, and basic equipment and supplies required. A1C levels were performed using the Siemens HbA1c DCA Vantage Analyzer. Patients are able to call, fax, text, and e-mail between visits. This has resulted in excellent control and high satisfaction. The mean A1C level was 7.2% to 7.4%. The pediatric diabetes program is now cost neutral. Survey results indicated that patients were satisfied with the care they received. Children with type 1 diabetes can be managed by a single provider and achieve treatment goals that far exceed those obtained in most pediatric diabetes programs. This can be done at a fiscally responsible cost.

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