
In following the invitation to speak about the Atomic Age, its development and essence, I do not think that I am intended to enlarge upon physical discoveries and their applications to technological and military ends, but rather on what appears to me the historical roots of these discoveries and their consequences upon the destiny of Man. But a scientist like myself has little time for historical studies; I have to rely on the fact that during my long life of more than 70 years I have witnessed a section of modern history and pondered about it. Moreover, I have read or at least scanned a few books which may be useful for my purpose. For instance, I remember from my Student’s days Spengler’s Decline of the West (Untergang des Abendlandes). I have also read a little in Arnold Toynbee’s great work, and listened to some of his Gifford Lectures given at Edinburgh a few years ago. I mention these two authors together because both share the opinion that there are regularities or even laws in human history which can be revealed by a comparative study of different groups of nations and civilizations. What I actually know of European history is essentially due to a book much used at British schools and elementary University courses because of its admirable style and clarity, H. A. L. Fisher’s A History of Europe. His standpoint can be seen from quoting a few lines of his Preface.KeywordsAtomic WeaponAtom BombHuman RaceHistorical AccidentENRICO FermiThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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