
The development of pollen grains and tapetum in Mitriostigma axillare (Rubiaceae) was studied from anther primordium to dehiscence. Anthers were freeze-cracked and studied with SEM. Embedded anthers were sectioned and studied with LM and TEM. Cytochemistry was performed in order to distinguish the different layers of the sporoderm and to determine its chemical nature at different development stages. The pollen grains remained as tetrads by partial fusion of the exine, probably because of reduced callose septa during the stage of microspore tetrads within callose envelopes. Characteristic features of the sporoderm were an irregular foot layer, an endexine composed of amalgamated granules, a transient granular-fibrous layer beneath the endexine, and a thin intine. During maturation of the exine, the endexine became chemically different from the ectexine. All layers of the sporoderm were reduced in thickness due to stretching during the engorgement of the pollen grains prior to dehiscence. The pollen grains were colpoidorate with a reticulate to microreticulate tectum covered with a scanty surface coating. The mature pollen grains were binucleate and contained a lot of starch grains. Thick intineous onci protruded through the apertures and formed papillae. About 50% of the microspores were aborted. The tapetum was of secretory type, probably with cycles of hyperactivity and protrusions of the cells into the locular cavity. No syncytium was formed and there were neither orbicules nor tapetal membrane.

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