
Anthracnose, rust and angular leaf spot caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Uromyces appendiculatus and Pseudocercospora griseola, respectively, are economically important diseases affecting the common bean production in Brazil. The BIOAGRO/UFV bean breeding program developed Rudá-R, a dry bean line with ‘carioca’ seed type, containing the following disease resistance genes: Co-4, Co-6 and Co-10 (anthracnose); Ur-ON (rust) and Phg-1 (angular leaf spot). To transfer this combination of disease resistance genes present in Rudá-R to a black-seeded bean, a backcrossing program aided by molecular markers was conducted, involving Rudá-R (donor genitor) and Diamante Negro (recurrent genitor). Forty black-seeded BC3F3:6 lines were obtained with combinations of at least three markers linked to the indicated disease resistance genes. The lines were evaluated for resistance to the three mentioned pathogens. Eight of the lines were homozygous and resistant to all four evaluated races of C. lindemuthianum, but susceptible to race 2047. Four of the lines were homozygous and resistant to two races of U. appendiculatus. Twenty of the lines were homozygous and resistant to the two races of P. griseola tested. Grain yield of the BC3F3:6 lines was evaluated during the ‘winter’ season of 2006 and the ‘dry’ season of 2007. All lines had statistically equal or higher yields than Rudá-R and Diamante Negro. Lines were identified that not only were high yielding but also resistant to the three pathogens tested. These lines are potential genotypes for further testing and for release as new black common bean varieties.

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