
Mandibular first molar tooth germs were dissected from Mus musculus (CD1) and Mus caroli (age range: 14-day embryo to 1-day postnatal). Most of the tooth germs were separated enzymically into epithelial and mesenchymal components. Interspecific tissue recombinations and intact M. caroli tooth germs were grown in the anterior chamber of the eye of adult CD1 mice for 2–4 weeks. Recombinations of M. caroli enamel-organ epithelium with M. musculus, dental papilla and follicle mesenchyme developed into normal teeth with advanced root, periodontal ligament and bone formation, thereby confirming extensive epithelial-mesenchymal interactions across the species barrier. Labelling sections by in situ hybridization with a M. musculus-specific DNA probe (pMSat5) showed that almost all cells in the pulp, periodontal ligament and bone were M. musculus, including cementoblasts. Reduced enamel epithelium and epithelial cell rests derived from donor M. caroli enamel organ were unlabelled. This indicates that any cementogenic role of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath must be short-lived. The immunological privilege of the intraocular transplantation site in M. musculus CD1 mice did not extend to grafts including xenogeneic M. caroli dental mesenchyme. Thus, intact M. caroli tooth germs and recombinations of M. musculus enamel organ with M. caroli dental papilla and follicle showed limited development, with no root formation, and were populated almost exclusively with labelled host M. musculus lymphocytes.

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