
OpenMC is a community-driven open-source Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport simulation code. It supports geometry modeling using constructive solid geometry, and is capable of performing fixed source particle transport simulation based on continuous-energy and group-wise nuclear cross-section data. The lack of variance reduction technique is one of the main drawbacks of this code, which prevent its use for deep penetration shielding calculations. In this work, a commonly used variance reduction technique – using the Weight Window Mesh (WWM) function has been developed and benchmarked for OpenMC. This enables OpenMC to use any WWM file produced for the MCNP code. For benchmarking, two deep penetration shielding cases, a sphere simulation model and the thickest shielding cases in the TIARA high energy neutron shielding experiment has been employed, using the WWM produced by the ADVANTG code. In addition, the OpenMC WWM function has also been applied on the IFMIF-DONES Test Cell global neutron flux distribution calculations. The successful benchmarking and application demonstrate ability of the newly developed OpenMC WWM function for applications in general purposes deep penetration shielding calculations.

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