
Ergot alkaloids are a group of toxic compounds, formed by fungi on infested grasses. In 2022, the European Commission set into effect maximum levels for the sum of the twelve major ergot alkaloids in multiple foods. To facilitate the laborious and costly individual quantification of the twelve major ergot alkaloids by HPLC–MS/MS or -FLD, we recently reported a sum parameter method (SPM) for ergot alkaloid quantification. Here, derivatization to lysergic acid hydrazide—a derivative of the mutual ergoline backbone in all ergot alkaloids—allowed simplified determination of all ergot alkaloids in flour via HPLC-FLD. For the measurement of more complex matrices like processed foods, we now developed a MS/MS-based SPM. Two internal standards (IS), isotopically labelled at different positions of the molecule, were synthesized and employed in the MS/MS-measurements. Method performance using either the 13CD3-labelled or the 15N2-labelled IS was evaluated on naturally contaminated rye and wheat flour samples as well as on processed food matrices. Employing the 13CD3-labelled IS leads to lower variances and better consistency with the reference data (obtained by the FLD-based SPM) in flour samples compared to the 15N2-labelled IS. The novel method significantly improves the measurement of ergot alkaloids in complex food matrices, due to their increased selectivity and thus lower interferences. Furthermore, the application of isotope labelled IS obviates the need for time-consuming steps like the determination of recovery rate based, matrix specific correction factors as described in the MS/MS-based European standard method for ergot alkaloid quantification (EN 17425).

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