
This study presents the development of an omnidirectional robot for the detection of combustible and toxic gases. The purpose of this study is to fabricate a robot that can detect combustible and toxic gases that are harmful to the human body. The design of the robot aims to limit the chances of exposure of humans from hazardous gases. The omnidirectional robot is designed to have the mobility to traverse on confined and cramped spaces such as ducts and pipes where gas leakages can occur. This study consists of designing, programming, GUI development, fabrication, approximation of gas concentrations, preliminary tests, sensor tests, and actual tests. The robot is based on existing designs and mecanum wheels are used for the omnidirectional function. The robot is programmed using Arduino microcontroller for motor control and sensor readings. For gas detection, gas sensors such as MQ3, MQ7 and MQ9 were used. The robot was tested based on its mobility and capability in determining specific gas concentrations. There are six gases that the robot can detect namely alcohol, benzene, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane, and LPG. Results showed that the omnidirectional feature of the robot allows it to traverse obstacles with ease. In addition, the developed robot shown its capability in detecting gas concentrations using preliminary and actual tests. The actual tests were conducted on a commercial building, basement parking, and printing company.

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