
Simple SummaryTBXT (c.333G > C; c.334G > T) has been identified as a molecular genetic marker in short-tailed sheep. This paper describes a high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis using unlabeled probes and asymmetric PCR for the detection of genetic variants of TBXT in short-tailed sheep populations. The detection results of this method are consistent with those of Sanger sequencing and can help farmers with marker-assisted breeding.The short-tailed phenotype has long been considered one of the best traits for population genetic improvement in sheep breeding. In short-tailed sheep, not only is tail fat eliminated but also the pubic area is exposed due to the lack of a tail covering, giving them an advantage in reproduction. Recent studies have shown that two linked mutations in sheep TBXT at nucleotides 333 and 334 are associated with the short-tailed phenotype. In the population of short-tailed sheep, several heterozygous mutants of this gene are found. In our research, we used high-resolution melting (HRM) to identify homozygous and heterozygous genotypes in a flock of short-tailed sheep and compared the results with those of Sanger sequencing, which were identical. This demonstrates that our established HRM method, a rapid and inexpensive genotyping method, can be used to identify homozygous and heterozygous individuals in short-tailed sheep flocks.

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