
<p>Land-Atmosphere coupling is a fundamental process of the earth system. From the perspective of atmospheric sciences, a quantitative understanding of the surface energy and mass balances is of vital importance for both numerical weather prediction and climate modeling and needs to be represented adequately in land surface schemes. The partitioning of net radiation into sensible, latent and ground heat fluxes is dependent on the state of the land surface with soil moisture being an important state variable, introducing memory effects of monthly to annual timescales to the coupling. An inadequate representation of the terrestrial water cycle will therefore degrade forecasts and introduce biases in climate simulations. While there exist reasonable estimates for the terrestrial water cycle on subcontinental scales and various observations for evapotranspiration on the point-scale, the validation of land-surface-schemes on the kilometer-scale remains challenging. The fundamental unit on which one can validate all terms of the water balance is the catchment. Here, we present a validation framework based on water balances of mesoscale catchments. The framework incorporates observations of precipitation and streamflow as well as estimates for evapotranspiration from remote sensing data.</p><p>The methodology is applied to five mesoscale catchments in Switzerland ranging from 105 km<sup>2</sup> to 1713 km<sup>2</sup> for the years 2010-2012. Observations include MeteoSwiss operational analyses, hourly discharge measurements provided by the federal office for the environment and the MODIS MOD16A2 evapotranspiration product. While relying on observations, these datasets are subject to substantial uncertainties. We aim to quantify the major part of this observational uncertainty by using data from FLUXNET sites in the Alpine region and a rain-gauge based precipitation dataset from MeteoSwiss (RhiresM).</p><p>As a showcase application, the validation framework is used in order to compare and validate two different parameterizations for soil/ groundwater hydrology in TERRA, the land surface scheme of the COSMO numerical weather prediction and regional climate model. While both versions are based on Richard’s equation, one is implemented with a free drainage boundary condition, while the other one is implemented with a simple parameterization for groundwater. Results from TERRA standalone runs forced with COSMO analysis fields suggest that errors in terrestrial storage change are mostly driven by errors in runoff. In turn, runoff is very sensitive to the parameterization of infiltration and to soil hydraulic parameter. We show that despite large uncertainties in the observations at hand, it is possible to identify respective shortcomings of the two different groundwater formulations and to improve the simulated water balance by introducing a mathematically sound formulation for infiltration and by tuning key parameter associated to ground water discharge.</p>

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