
Because providing billions of objects with network connectivity, the Internet of Things (IoT) enables the collection and transfer of real-time data for intelligent applications. Therefore, IoT enables remote access and control of connected devices when there is a sufficient network infrastructure. Additionally, the introduction of software-defined networking (SDN) presents capabilities that allow internet providers and users to control and connect network equipment wirelessly, even as enabling a global perspective on the network, that has previously become a soaring interest area due to its extensive use for various applications and systems, including wireless sensor nodes, medical equipment, delicate home sensor systems, and some other connected IoT devices. In order to create worldwide connectivity between the Internet of Things (IoT) and based on the SDN architecture in the medical contexts, this paper's contribution is to outline some relevant directions. Additionally, we provide a model based on software defined network principles that depicts interactions between a group of people each of whom have a Nano network within their bodies and the medical services via the local network of a medical institution. For everybody electrical engineers to data engineers the requirement to integrate everything in a global setting is a significant problem. As a result, the cloud is useful for handling the instantaneous sharing of information. In terms of health care, the effort is also stated in terms of IoT architecture and services. IoT's current prospects for the healthcare sector are quite promising. Due to its capacity for sensing and measuring, it is also highly well-liked. From the smallest sensor to the massive amounts of data gathered, this revolution is completely changing how we view healthcare.

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