
Background: Clients with complex life situations and increased health problems are often bounced between different services because they need services which are provided by different organizations and professionals (Manning & Gagnon 2017, Blumenthal et al 2016). The client-oriented approach means that professionals are combining their competencies and working together based on clients’ needs. To strengthen the interprofessional co-operation it is necessary to develop practical model for professionals. Health and social service reform in Finland also aims to improve multi-sectoral cooperation for better quality of care, equality, and lower costs (Health and Social Services Reform 2022).
 Aim and implementation of the project: The aim of this project is to further develop a practical model for interprofessional cooperation to meet clients´ complex needs. The origin of this model is from geriatric health care. The project aimed to expand the original concept to wider customer groups.
 The phases of the project were following: 
 A.Four working groups were formed which were led by the project manager.
 B.Education and workshops were offered for professionals and service managers to gain understanding about the interprofessional cooperation with clients and systemic approach in teamwork.
 C.Recruiting clients to pilot-test and evaluate the new model.
 D.Modify the model based on the experience from pilot-testing. 
 The phases were overlapping, and the model was developed in all phases.
 Results: The clients who participated to test the model experienced that their situation and problems were taken more seriously, and they got more comprehensive assistance and support in their life. The professionals were relieved because the responsibility of complex clients’ situations became shared between professionals. The service plan was written in every meeting with clients and professionals. The customer-oriented, systemic MyTeam-practical model for interprofessional cooperation was established, as well as instructions for documenting the clients´ service planning, quality monitoring guide for MyTeam-practical model and material for clients.
 Conclusions: To promote fluent working between different professionals for the clients best, requires agreed working methods in client orientation, competence in interaction and skillful management to lead interprofessional working groups (Timperi 2022). The clients´ and professionals´ experiences are valuable, when developing interprofessional work. With interprofessional teamwork it is possible to avoid overlapping and separate plans, which are not promoting but hindering clients´ complex life situations. In the future it is necessary to explore the effectiveness of MyTeam-practical model.

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