
Developing the competencies for organizing experiential activities for student teachers at Vietnamese universities is considered an urgent requirement to meet the mission of implementing the General Education Curriculum 2018. This article presents a theoretical study to identify some basic issues about the competencies for organizing experiential activities for student teachers. The concept of competencies for organizing experiential activities for students has been analyzed from the perspective of education. In addition, the framework of competencies for organizing experiential activities for students includes the following groups: competencies for planning, competencies for implementing plans, and competencies for testing and evaluating experiential activities. The skills development process is influenced by many different factors, including biological and environmental elements as well as educational and personal activities. In universities of education, the development of students’ competencies for organizing experiential activities can be done through the following forms: pedagogical subjects, skills training programs, pedagogical internships (practicum), collective activities, and self-development. The results of this study can be a reference for Vietnamese universities of education in revising their training programs in the current period.

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